Tiger Woods Honors Mother in Emotional Speech: “For My Mommy”

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Yesterday, Tiger Woods was honored with the prestigious Bob Jones Award by the US Golf Association, during which he delivered an emotional speech highlighting the importance of family.

Woods was joined at the ceremony by his mother, Kutilda, age 80, and his two children, Sam, age 16, and Charlie, age 15. In his acceptance speech, Woods talked about his illustrious career and the individuals who have supported him along the way, culminating in a heartfelt homage to his mother.

Tiger Woods has ended his 27-year partnership with Nike, as other news also suggests he and Rafael Nadal are set to make significant impacts next year.

Receiving the Professional Golfers’ Association of America’s top accolade, Woods emotionalized the moment by emphasizing his mother’s role in his life. “Everyone thinks it was just my dad and me on the road, which it was, but they overlook the fact that my mom was the constant at home,” he remarked. Woods dedicated the award to his mother, acknowledging her as his “rock” and crediting her for being behind his success.

Woods has frequently mentioned his family’s sacrifices to advance his career, notably during his 2022 induction into the World Golf Hall of Fame. He reminisced about the difficult family decision to take out a second mortgage so he could play on the AJGA Tour, with his mother holding down the fort at home while he and his father traveled for tournaments.

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