Russian Warship Capable of Carrying Hypersonic Missiles Docks in Cuba

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On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, the Russian naval vessel Admiral Gorshkov made its presence known in Havana, Cuba, as part of a visit that saw Russian navy’s presence in the Caribbean. The Admiral Gorshkov, a vessel renowned for being the first to be equipped with the advanced Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles, is a key example of Russia’s expanding military capabilities. While the Kremlin claims that these Zircon missiles are peerless in speed and maneuverability, capable of evading any existing defenses, the veracity of these claims is still a subject of debate among defense experts.

Images captured show the Admiral Gorshkov docking at Havana’s harbor, indicating the ongoing military cooperation between Russia and Cuba. This visit is part of a broader itinerary that includes Caribbean air and maritime exercises, following recent drills conducted by the Russian navy in the Atlantic. Accompanying the Admiral Gorshkov are two other ships and a stealthy, nuclear-powered submarine, which has raised eyebrows in both the US and NATO due to their potential threat level.

Despite the routine nature of such visits between Russia and Cuba, US officials are keeping a watchful eye, though they currently do not perceive an immediate threat. The significance of the Admiral Gorshkov’s visit is heightened by the fact that it’s equipped not just with Zircon missiles, which were first successfully tested in October 2020, but also with Kalibr cruise missiles, adding to its offensive capabilities.

Zircon missiles, also known as Tsirkon, have been tested multiple times since their initial launch from the Admiral Gorshkov, showing an ability to hit targets with precision at extraordinary speeds, flying at up to Mach 8 during tests. These hypersonic weapons are designed for striking both land and sea targets, exhibiting flight characteristics that include low-altitude travel, sudden directional changes, and speeds that make them challenging to intercept.

While Russia extols the capabilities of its hypersonic missiles, promising unmatched speed and agility that could overcome any defenses, experts remain skeptical of these claims. Previous Russian military innovations have not always lived up to their lofty assertions, prompting caution among defense analysts regarding the true capabilities of the Zircon missiles.

The development of hypersonic weapons is not limited to Russia; China, too, has entered the fray with its DF-ZF missile, capable of reaching speeds five times that of sound. Meanwhile, the United States, acknowledging the advancements of its adversaries, is vigorously pursuing its hypersonic programs and collaborating with Japan on developing defenses against such rapid and maneuverable weapons.

This development underscores the evolving landscape of military technology, where the ability to strike swiftly and unpredictably from afar reshapes the strategic considerations of nations and their defense postures on the global stage.

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