Russia Assures US: No Threat from Nuclear Submarine and Warship Near Cuba

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Observers witnessed the arrival of the Russian naval frigate Admiral Gorshkov in Havana, Cuba, on June 12, 2024, as it was part of a Russian naval group visiting the island. This image was captured showing people gazing at the vessel docked in Havana’s harbor, indicating a moment of significant military interest.

According to the Kremlin, their naval presence near Cuba is not a cause for concern. The statement comes as a submarine and a navy frigate have navigated to the region for military drills within the Caribbean Sea. Despite being recognized as among the most advanced and potentially threatening of Russia’s military assets, Moscow has downplayed any suggestions of aggression.

Russia has communicated to the United States that the deployment of its missile-capable naval equipment to Cuban territorial waters is a routine operation and should not provoke anxiety. A nuclear-powered submarine alongside the navy frigate made its way to the vicinity of Havana on Wednesday, with plans to engage in air and naval exercises in the Caribbean, along with two other Russian naval vessels, in a five-day operational visit.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov emphasized the commonplace nature of such military exercises for a maritime superpower like Russia, downplaying any cause for alarm in remarks reported by Reuters.

Among the vessels stationed near Havana is the Kazan, a Severodvinsk class submarine renowned for its stealth capabilities and considerable firepower, presenting ongoing challenges for the US and NATO. Additionally, the Admiral Gorshkov frigate, equipped with Russia’s latest Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles, was also present in Cuba. These missiles, touted by the Kremlin as unparalleled, mark a significant addition to Russia’s military inventory.

The Cuban Foreign Ministry has concurred with Russian assurances, indicating that the presence of these military assets does not constitute a threat, as reported by Reuters.

Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh, addressing the situation, stated that while the Department of Defense is actively monitoring the developments, there is no perceived immediate threat from the Russian warships.

The deployment is interpreted largely as Russia’s show of military strength following its losses in the Black Sea. Notably, in April, Ukraine claimed to have significantly damaged several Russian naval vessels using a variety of armaments.

Despite US assurances of no immediate danger, the occurrence coincides with the arrival of the Los Angeles-class USS Helena attack submarine at Guantanamo Bay, approximately 500 miles from the Russian naval position, following the appearance of Russia’s Kazan submarine.

The US Southern Command described the visit of the USS Helena to Guantanamo Bay as a standard port call in a statement released on X on Thursday, without specifying further details.

Requests for comments from officials at the US Southern Command and the Russian Defence Ministry, directed by Business Insider, have yet to receive responses.

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