Ukrainian Drones Hit Russian Airbase, Target Su-34 Jets

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A military airbase located in Russia’s Rostov region came under a substantial drone assault orchestrated by Ukraine, involving no fewer than 70 unmanned aerial vehicles, according to an official account. This significant operation was aimed specifically at an airbase near Morozovsk, situated roughly 200 miles away from the Ukrainian frontier.

The orchestrator of the attack, General Kyrylo Budanov, who leads Ukraine’s military intelligence arm, disclosed the details of this aggressive move to The War Zone outlet. This airfield, as revealed in satellite imagery, appears to house several Su-34 fighter-bombers, which have been utilized by Russia for deploying heavy glide bombs onto Ukrainian territories.

A security analyst in conversation with Sky News highlighted that Ukraine’s strategy with this attack was to incapacitate the aircraft that have been pivotal in Russia’s arsenal against Ukraine, emphasizing it as a concerted effort to weaken the Russian Air Force’s operational capabilities.

While the full extent of the damage from the drone attacks remains uncertain, Budanov shared with The War Zone that there is anticipation for more detailed information regarding the impact, including whether the strike led to the destruction or damage of intended targets.

Claims from a Russian Telegram channel, The Kremlin Snuff Box, suggest the operation resulted in the death of six Russian military personnel, including two pilots, as well as causing injuries to over ten individuals. These claims, citing sources from the Russian General Staff, indicate that despite many drones being intercepted and shot down, the attack did achieve some level of damage.

This is not the first instance of Ukraine targeting the Morozovsk airbase; a previous drone assault was reported in early April, involving Ukrainian forces launching a large-scale drone attack against the facility, purportedly destroying several aircraft and resulting in the loss of 20 Russian soldiers, according to a Ukrainian law enforcement source who spoke to Politico.

Social media footage at the time captured several explosions occurring around the airbase, providing a visual testament to the intensity of the Ukrainian drone attack strategy. The attack underscores the escalating use of drones and modern warfare tactics amidst the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Moreover, the context of this confrontation is deepened by Russia’s employment of glide bombs against Ukrainian targets. These bombs, essentially modified Soviet-era ordnance equipped with wings and navigation systems, represent a significant tactical advantage for Russia by allowing its forces to strike from distances outside of Ukraine’s retaliatory reach, as noted by Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

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