US Forces Hit Houthi Radar in Yemen Following Red Sea Ship Disappearance

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The U.S. armed forces are currently engaging radar installations operated by the Houthi rebels in Yemen following the disappearance of a merchant sailor and vessel in the Red Sea earlier in the week. The American military’s Central Command (CENTCOM) has announced the demolition of seven radar stations under Houthi control. Details on the methodology used for the destruction of the sites were not disclosed by CENTCOM, and officials did not immediately address inquiries regarding these actions.

CENTCOM stated these radar stations provided the Houthis with the capability to threaten maritime navigation and compromise the safety of commercial shipping activities. The attack on these installations emerges amid broader turmoil in the Red Sea region, where Houthi forces have been attacking maritime vessels in protest against the protracted conflict in Gaza. The Houthis, supported by Iran, are retaliating against Israel’s persistent offensive against the Gaza Strip, currently under the governance of the Palestinian armed group Hamas.

The Houthi faction has taken responsibility for targeting ships delivering support to Israel amidst its military endeavors, as well as those aiding the U.S., owing to America’s ongoing backing of the Israeli forces. Nonetheless, it has been reported that the rebels have also struck at naval and merchant ships uninvolved with the Gaza conflict, leading to the diversion of nearly half of the global shipping traffic from this vital maritime passageway.

In concurrent military responses, U.S. forces have neutralized two drone vessels laden with explosives in the Red Sea, in addition to intercepting a Houthi-launched drone soaring above this crucial waterway.

CENTCOM has revealed the disappearance of a merchant sailor aboard the Liberian-flagged and Greek-operated cargo ship Tutor since last Wednesday. The disappearance occurred following a Houthi drone attack on the vessel. Despite the crew evacuating and being rescued by the USS Philippine Sea along with allied forces, the Tutor is reportedly at risk of sinking in the Red Sea.

Reports identify the missing sailor as a Filipino national, according to the Philippine News Agency.

Despite the Houthis launching frequent assaults since November, most have been thwarted by U.S. forces, which intercept drone attacks almost daily. However, these skirmishes have led to at least four U.S. vessels being struck, as reported by the Pentagon in March.

The financial toll of these engagements on the U.S. Navy is significant, with each surface-to-air missile used in defense against Houthi attacks estimated to cost more than $2 million.

For more updates on this situation and other current events, visit The Hill’s website.

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