Anthony Michael Hall and Robert Downey Jr. Team Up for ‘Succession’-Style TV Series

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Anthony Michael Hall revealed that he and Robert Downey Jr. are teaming up for a new TV project titled “Singularity.” The duo, who have maintained a close friendship since meeting on the set of “Weird Science” in the mid-1980s and sharing screen time on “Saturday Night Live,” are venturing into television with Hall confirming that Downey Jr. is set to direct the series’ pilot episode. This project represents a significant milestone as it would be Downey Jr.’s first time directing.

The inspiration for “Singularity” came from an original idea by Downey Jr., according to Hall, who spoke to Business Insider. The development of the series has spanned several years, initially announced in 2016, and faced delays due to its original concept closely mirroring the premise of the hit HBO series “Succession.”

Hall explained, “Originally, I was to play one of three brothers with a powerful industrialist father, but the similarities to ‘Succession’ were too marked, despite our show having a lighter, more comedic tone. Consequently, we’ve had to make some adjustments to our original plot.”

Despite these challenges, the project appears to be moving forward, with Hall noting that they recently discussed the project via Zoom with a prominent producer, hoping to bring them onboard. Hall also mentioned that Downey Jr. is deeply committed to the project, not only potentially directing the pilot and additional episodes but also starring in the series.

Beyond “Singularity,” Hall shared his ambitions to further develop his career behind the camera, mentioning that he’s penned a screenplay for a feature film he intends to direct. For Hall, moving into writing and directing represents a natural progression in his career and a long-held aspiration.

Hall emphasized the significance of this new phase in his career, seeing it as an evolution from his extensive on-screen experience to a more creative role behind the scenes.

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