Russian Tank Trapped in Crater, Targeted by Ukrainian Drones

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Recent video evidence reportedly shows a Russian tank plunging into a crater under the assault of Ukrainian drones. The 68th Jaeger Brigade of Ukraine has released footage purportedly capturing this moment along with claims of destroying eight Russian tanks within the Donetsk area.

This incident took place amidst fierce combat in one of the front line’s most volatile sectors, as confirmed by Ukraine’s General Staff. According to the footage provided by the 68th Jaeger Brigade, the events unfolded when a leading tank of a Russian armored convoy was hit by an explosion, visibly sending debris airborne. Subsequent drone attacks then targeted the remainder of the tank and armored vehicle column.

The specific video in question showcases one tank veering off into a substantial crater while under crossfire, with at least one Russian soldier seen attempting escape before the tank is consumed by flames and ultimately explodes.

While the veracity of the video and the assertions accompanying it remain uncorroborated by independent sources, the accompanying caption mentions the obliteration of eight Russian tanks and eight infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), all occurring near Pokrovsk in the Donetsk area, a region described as exceptionally tense by updates from Ukraine’s General Staff.

Further particulars revealed mention Ukrainian defense efforts directed at stabilizing the situation through significant offensive measures.

Supplementary comments provided to Ukrinform by Nazar Voloshyn, a spokesperson for the Khortytsia forces, affirm the brigade’s report of tank destruction. They detailed the elimination of eight Russian tanks, with two additional tanks incapacitated, totaling a company’s worth of tanks in all. Moreover, in this sector, the Ukrainian forces are said to have also decimated eight armored fighting vehicles, two artillery systems, and four other vehicles, with one more being damaged.

Although the exact timing of the video wasn’t specified, reports indicate that 242 Russian soldiers were killed or injured during the confrontations in Pokrovsk.

“Our Ukrainian defenders have significantly impacted the Russian forces, destroying a considerable amount of military hardware and personnel,” Voloshyn remarked, highlighting the effectiveness of Ukraine’s defensive operations.

This information originally appeared in an article on Business Insider.

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