28 Saved Following Ride Breakdown at Historic Amusement Park

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Emergency responders in Oregon successfully rescued 28 individuals who found themselves trapped and hanging upside down for approximately 30 minutes on a ride at Oaks Amusement Park, a historic park over a century old.

Portland Fire and Rescue team, utilizing their training and coordination with park engineers, was able to manually bring the ride down safely. Although prepared for a more intricate high-angle rope rescue, it thankfully did not come to that.

Following the ordeal, all passengers were evacuated and checked by medical teams, with no injuries reported. A park statement indicated that one individual with a known health issue was hospitalized as a precaution but did not specify the condition.

CBS News affiliate KION spoke to one of the passengers, Daniel Allen, who described the experience as “just crazy,” mentioning physical discomforts including the urge to vomit and leg pain. The AtmosFEAR ride, which operates by swinging like a pendulum and flipping riders upside down, left many passengers, according to another passenger Jordan Harding, praying, screaming, or fainting in fear.

Eyewitness Lavina Waters recounted the distressing moment she learned of the riders’ predicament, summarizing the incident as riders simply being left dangling in the air. Park officials were quick to react, ensuring emergency services were on the scene within 25 minutes of the malfunction. Maintenance staff managed to reset the ride shortly after help arrived.

Though Portland Fire initially estimated about 30 individuals were involved, both park officials and KION confirmed the number to be 28. A picture associated with the event showed emergency services at the site of the incident, dated Friday, June 14, 2024.

Introduced in 2021, the AtmosFEAR ride had not experienced any previous issues until this incident and will be temporarily shut down. Fire department spokesperson Jon Harrell noted the rescue team’s familiarity with the ride, having trained on it for such emergencies as recently as last year.

Investigations alongside the ride’s manufacturer and state inspectors are underway to ascertain the cause of the malfunction. Oaks Amusement Park, operational since 1905, has praised the swift actions of both its staff and the first responders for ensuring the safety of its guests and is working to prevent future incidents. The park prides itself on offering both modern attractions and nostalgic charm, catering to visitors from the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

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