U.S. Forces Take Out Houthi Radars Targeting Ships

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June 15 (UPI) – The U.S. military has carried out multiple attacks on the Houthi group in Yemen, targeting radar installations that the group used to target civilian ships, U.S. Central Command reported.

U.S. forces, over the last day, have eliminated seven radar stations under Houthi control in Yemen, along with a number of the group’s sea and air drones, according to a U.S. Central Command announcement on X on Friday.

“These measures were necessary because the targeted systems were seen as an immediate threat to U.S., allied forces, and civilian ships in the area,” the post by CENTCOM explained. “The operation aims to ensure safer and more secure international waters for U.S., allied, and civilian ships.”

This operation followed an assault by Houthi forces on the M/V Tutor, a Greek-owned, 44,000-ton bulk carrier navigating the Red Sea approximately 66 miles southwest of the Hudaydah port on Wednesday. This attack resulted in significant damage and flooding to the ship’s engine room, leading most of the crew to evacuate.

One crew member is currently missing. Allied and U.S. forces rescued most of the crew.

Currently, the Tutor remains adrift in the Red Sea, taking on more water. The U.K.’s Maritime Trade Operations have noted the ship is drifting away from its last reported location.

Additionally, Houthi rebels targeted the Ukrainian-owned M/V Verbena in the Gulf of Aden on Thursday, injuring a crew member and igniting fires on the vessel.

The Houthi rebels claim their maritime attacks are intended to pressure for an end to Israel’s conflict with Hamas in Gaza. However, these recent attacks have struck ships from nations not involved in those hostilities.

CENTCOM criticized the Houthis’ actions as escalating regional tensions and endangering the lives of maritime workers in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden following the attack on the Verbena.

“The Houthis’ justification for these attacks, under the pretense of supporting Palestinians in Gaza, contradicts their actions of endangering civilians from various countries who have no involvement in the Gaza conflict,” CENTCOM stated.

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