Gordon Ramsay Injured in Bike Accident, Posts Video of Severe Bruise

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Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay gave his followers a stark reminder of the dangers of cycling without proper safety gear after he was involved in a severe biking accident. Sporting a large, raw meat-colored bruise, Ramsay took to social media to share his ordeal and emphasize the life-saving importance of wearing a helmet.

In a video posted on Saturday, Ramsay, an avid cyclist, recounted the harrowing experience which occurred earlier in the week, leaving him with significant pain and a profound sense of luck to have survived. Grateful for the swift action of trauma surgeons, Ramsay showed his followers the extent of his injuries, which are not for the squeamish.

An accompanying photo reveals Ramsay’s left side covered in a deep, purple hue from his hip up to his ribs. Further highlighting the incident’s severity, Ramsay also shared images of his helmet, visibly damaged and crushed, indicating it absorbed much of the impact during his fall.

Despite the grim circumstances, Ramsay managed to find some humor in the situation, jokingly comparing his appearance to a “purple potato.” His message is a potent reminder of the importance of safety gear while cycling.

Ramsay’s spirit and gratitude are evident, and his message clear: helmets are crucial for cyclist’s safety. We’re relieved to see him in good spirits following the accident and join him in urging cyclists to always wear their helmets.

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