Date Goes Awry: Theo James Reveals Unfortunate Bathtub Incident

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Actor Theo James shared a rather unusual anecdote from his past, revealing a memorable and somewhat unpleasant dating experience. During a panel discussion with Entertainment Weekly, where the actor participated in a game of Two Truths and a Lie, James disclosed that a date once left an unexpected surprise in his bathtub: a piece of feces.

This peculiar incident occurred during James’ time at university after a night out on the town. Following some intimate moments at his place, the woman left early the next morning.

To James’ astonishment, he later discovered a “small turd” in his bathtub, an unexpected memento from their date. Despite thinking the date had gone well, he was understandably puzzled and slightly upset by this discovery.

There’s been no elaboration on how James dealt with this unsavory find, but he appears to take the incident in stride, reflecting on it with humor years later.

In a separate revelation, James also mentioned having a bottle of urine hurled at him while performing with his band, highlighting that he’s had more than his fair share of bizarre and gross encounters.

It seems there was no follow-up date with the woman in question, which, under the circumstances, might be considered a lucky escape for James. Given the unusual events of their first meeting, one could only imagine what a second outing might entail.

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