Gretchen Walsh Breaks World Record in 100m Butterfly at U.S. Olympic Trials

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In a breathtaking display of skill and speed, Gretchen Walsh shattered the women’s 100-meter butterfly world record during the U.S. Olympic swimming trials in Indianapolis this Saturday evening. Walsh clocked in at an impressive 55.18 seconds during a semifinal round, surpassing the previous record of 55.48 seconds held by Sweden’s Sarah Sjöström since the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics.

Walsh admitted to feeling the intensity of her pace, initially unsure of the record-breaking speed she was achieving. “I thought I was dying.

I didn’t know I was going that fast and, apparently, I took it out too fast,” she recounted. However, any doubts were quickly dispelled as Walsh saw her name next to the initials “WR” on the scoreboard, a testament to her incredible performance.

Despite her powerhouse performance, the 21-year-old swimmer from Nashville, Tennessee, who competes for the University of Virginia, was surprised by her own achievement. She had aimed for a fast time but did not anticipate breaking the world record that evening. “I just knew I wanted to go a fast night and now here I am — a world-record holder,” Walsh remarked, still processing her success.

Yet, the journey is far from over for Walsh. With her eyes set on securing a spot on her first Olympic team, she faces a tough competition in the final against a cadre of Tokyo Games medalists including Torri Huske, Regan Smith, and Claire Curzan.

Walsh, however, is optimistic about her chances and believes she has yet to reach her peak in this event. “I still have room to grow in that race,” she confidently stated, hinting at the possibility of pushing her limits even further.

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