U.S. Tourist Found Dead in Greece, Another Still Missing

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A tragic incident has come to light as an American visitor was discovered deceased near Corfu, a Greek island, this past Sunday, according to reports from local news outlets. This recent death is part of a disturbing trend of fatalities and disappearances afflicting tourists in the Greek islands.

Local media, as reported by AFP, indicated that the discovery was made by another tourist who saw the man’s body floating near Mathraki’s old port and promptly notified the authorities.

The American was first reported missing last Thursday, having been last spotted alive two days prior in a café, socializing with two women tourists who have since departed from the island, as per The Associated Press. The Athens News Agency disclosed that the man was vacationing on Mathraki, an island of merely 100 inhabitants and lush forestry, situated west of the more renowned Corfu, along with a friend of Greek-American descent. Details about the man, including his name and where he was from, have yet to be released.

This unfortunate event marks the third such death on the Greek islands in recent times.

In a separate incident, British TV broadcaster and writer Dr. Michael Mosley was found deceased last Sunday on Symi, an island proximate to Turkey’s coast. It was determined that he passed away the preceding Wednesday shortly after embarking on a hike through challenging, rocky landscapes.

Another sorrowful finding was made this past Saturday on Samos, an island in the east, where a 74-year-old Dutch visitor’s body was discovered. Local news sources stated that a Fire Service drone located the man face down in a ravine, a short distance from where he was last seen struggling to walk in severe heat.

The search continues for three individuals, including an American, who have been reported missing across several Greek islands lately.

In particular, a search operation is underway for 59-year-old Albert Calibet on Amorgos since he failed to return from a hike he undertook alone in the heat last Tuesday. Calibet, hailing from Hermosa Beach, California, is a retired deputy from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office.

The U.S. State Department is aware of Calibet’s disappearance and has issued a statement to CBS News, mentioning that it is closely working with local authorities on search efforts. Additionally, a missing persons alert has been issued for Calibet.

Recently, two French tourists, aged 73 and 64, also went missing on Sikinos, an isolated island within the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea, known for having fewer than 400 residents. The women were reportedly meeting up but have not been seen since.

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