Putin and Kim Jong Un Strengthen Alliance, Pushing Toward an ‘Authoritarian Safe Haven,’ Analyst Claims

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In a significant diplomatic event marked by a ceremonial handshake, Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un culminated their discussions with a partnership agreement at the Kumsusan state residence in Pyongyang on June 19, 2024. The photo capturing this moment was credited to KRISTINA KORMILITSYNA of Getty Images.

The leaders of Russia and North Korea, two nations often at odds with the global community, have come together to sign a strategic partnership agreement that promises to solidify their countries’ alliance. This development, celebrated on Wednesday, represents not only the fusion of the two countries’ mutual interests but also a formal acknowledgment of their ongoing cooperative efforts across various sectors.

Putin’s trip to North Korea, his first in 24 years, was highlighted by the signing of a pact that binds the allies to mutual defense in the event of an attack. This commitment was reported by the state-run Russian news agency TASS. The agreement aims to enhance the nations’ connection through political, economic, cultural, and security engagements, reinforcing their shared objectives.

Simon Miles, an expert in Soviet history and international relations at Duke University, emphasized the authoritarian inclinations of both nations’ leaders, underscoring their ambition to forge a world more accommodating to autocratic governance.

The breadth of the treaty, while not fully disclosed, seems to formalize the pre-existing, albeit informal, relationship between Russia and North Korea, elaborated Miles. Notably, Russia has significantly benefited from North Korean military support amid its ongoing conflict in Ukraine, acquiring substantial quantities of munitions. Concurrently, North Korea has leveraged this relationship to obtain Russian oil at reduced rates, despite international sanctions, and shows interest in accessing advanced Russian military technology.

The ceremony surrounding the agreement’s signing, including Putin’s presentation of a luxury vehicle to Kim, appeared to be a concerted effort by both nations to portray their leaders as influential global figures, despite their widespread diplomatic isolation.

This alliance, however, has raised eyebrows among Western leaders. U.S.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken critiqued Russia’s outreach to North Korea as a desperate attempt to bolster its military capabilities amid its Ukrainian offensive. Moreover, U.S. intelligence sources express concerns over North Korea’s potential advancement in nuclear technology with Russian assistance, particularly in developing a nuclear-armed submarine.

This report was initially covered by Business Insider.

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