Ukraine Attacks Russian Forces at Border, Commander Confirms

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An image shows a M142 HIMARS rocket launcher in Ukraine, as captured by Serhii Mykhalchuk for Global Images Ukraine via Getty Images.

Ukrainian military forces have effectively utilized the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) to target and decimate gatherings of Russian soldiers positioned along the border, as per a Ukrainian artillery commander. The commander revealed that this strategic move became feasible once Ukraine received green light from its allies to employ weapons supplied by them against military objectives within Russian territory.

The decision to allow Ukraine to use Western-made weapons for strikes inside Russia has been pivotal in enhancing Ukraine’s defensive capabilities, according to military experts. This permission, granted last month, overturned a previous ban and enabled Ukraine to conduct operations that were beyond the reach of its conventional munitions.

Known by his callsign Hefastus, the artillery commander spoke to the Associated Press, detailing how Ukrainian forces deployed HIMARS in the Kharkiv region soon after receiving authorization. This led to significant impacts from the very beginning, with Ukrainian forces managing to annihilate entire columns of Russian troops poised at the border.

The enhanced strike capabilities now include the ability to target Russian command centers, as noted by Hefastus, though these statements have not undergone independent verification.

Following the easing of restrictions, there have been observable instances of Ukraine deploying HIMARS against targets within Russia. This change comes at a time when Russia has been amassing troops near the Ukrainian border, preparing for potential engagements. The Ukrainian deputy defense minister, Ivan Havryliuk, indicated to the AP that around 90,000 Russian soldiers were gearing up for a renewed offensive when the restrictions were lifted, although it remains unclear if these were the forces hit in the HIMARS strikes.

Historically, Ukraine’s military efforts were constrained, with Russia exploiting its own territory to replenish its forces and conduct assaults. This dynamic shifted in May when Ukraine’s allies, including the United States, relaxed their stance, permitting attacks on Russian military sites, especially across the border from Kharkiv. This policy shift coincided with a new Russian offensive launched on May 10, which has since seen Ukraine mounting a robust response.

According to George Barros, a Russian-military expert at the Institute for the Study of War in the US, this strategic adaptation has notably impacted the conflict, enabling Ukraine to conduct effective counterattacks and partially stall the Russian advance.

Despite these advancements, challenges remain, such as limitations on the range of targets Ukraine can strike, leaving some Russian assets out of reach. However, Ukraine’s newfound capability to retaliate has reportedly impaired Russia’s momentum in the region, with Ukrainian forces making tangible gains in reclaiming territory, even as the overall situation remains intensely contested.

This development underscores a significant evolution in Ukraine’s military engagement strategy, marking a turning point with potential implications for the broader conflict.

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