2024 Primaries: Live Results from New York, Colorado, and Utah

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On June 25, both the Democratic and Republican parties in Colorado, New York, Utah, and some areas of South Carolina chose their candidates for the upcoming elections in the fall. Among the key races of the night, incumbents Jamaal Bowman and Lauren Boebert were closely watched as they have been controversial figures, even within their own parties.

Bowman was defeated by George Latimer, a more moderate Democrat, in a primary that set records for its spending. Boebert, on the other hand, sailed through her primary in a newly drawn district.

The night also marked a setback for former President Donald Trump, as three of the candidates he had backed were defeated. This included his pick to succeed Sen. Mitt Romney in Utah.

The contests have now established the line-ups for critical congressional battles this fall. In Colorado, the GOP steered clear of far-right candidates, enhancing their chances in what are usually safe districts. The Democrats, for their part, have chosen candidates in two contentious New York districts that could tilt the balance of power in the House in their favor.

The election night was covered in real-time by a team of 538’s reporters and analysts, providing insights and updates as the votes were counted. For a detailed analysis and breakdown of the events, their live blog offered minute-by-minute commentary.

Highlighting individual races, the night concluded with mixed results for notable incumbents and challengers. For example, Boebert successfully navigated a crowded field in Colorado’s 4th District, undoubtedly aided by her significant fundraising efforts, Trump’s endorsement, and her visibility. Conversely, New York saw George Latimer prevailing over Jamaal Bowman amidst significant attention to their divergent stances on several issues, including the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Trump-endorsed candidates didn’t fare well, signaling that his influence may have its limits in determining GOP primaries. Several other races confirmed the candidacies for November, with both parties aiming to present their most electable choices in competitive districts. This setup foretells a fiercely contested battle for the control of the House in the general elections.

The election night also brought attention to other storylines, like the performance of women in competitive primaries, the effectiveness of significant endorsements, and the strategic calculations of both major parties in selecting their candidates.

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