SpaceX Selected by NASA to Deorbit International Space Station

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A recent image released by NASA showcases the International Space Station as seen from SpaceX’s Crew Dragon Endeavour, capturing a moment during its fly-around after detaching from the station’s Harmony module on November 8, 2021. In a significant development, NASA has announced an $843 million deal with SpaceX for the construction of a spacecraft designed to safely deorbit the International Space Station once it reaches the end of its operational life in the coming years.

SpaceX, under the leadership of tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, has been selected to develop the spacecraft that will guide the decommissioning of the orbiter. While SpaceX will spearhead the creation of the vehicle, the mission’s oversight will remain under NASA’s jurisdiction.

The International Space Station, a collaborative venture involving space agencies from the United States, Europe, Japan, Canada, and Russia, has been circling the Earth since its launch in 1998. It’s anticipated that the station will require deorbiting by 2030, although commitments to its operation extend only until 2030 for most partner nations, with Russia agreeing to participation through 2028.

Since 2000, the station has been continually staffed by international astronaut crews, serving as a floating laboratory for scientific research, technological development, and fostering international cooperation in space exploration.

Ken Bowersox, the deputy associate administrator for space operations at NASA, highlighted the station’s pivotal role in advancing our understanding and capabilities in space, underscoring its contribution to global partnerships and scientific endeavors.

This agreement marks another endorsement of SpaceX’s capabilities in the realm of space exploration. Founded by Musk in 2002, SpaceX has established itself as a leader in the industry, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Musk, who is also known for his leadership at electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla, continues to influence the course of space exploration and sustainable transportation, amassing a significant wealth estimated at $220 billion.

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