Putin’s Alliance with Kim Jong Un: A Growing Concern for Both China and the US

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Via Getty Images, a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un early last week culminated in a mutual defense agreement, which has sparked concerns not only for the United States but also for China, according to an expert on Korea.

The strengthening ties between Putin and Kim are escalating tensions from the Indo-Pacific to Ukraine, affecting global stability. The agreement, particularly troubling for both the U.S. and China, signals Putin’s first visit to North Korea in 24 years where a high-profile agreement was inked, committing mutual defense support in case of external attacks.

Following previous weapons trades, which purportedly saw North Korea supplying arms to Russia for its conflict in Ukraine in exchange for food and energy supplies, this pact marks a significant escalation in Russia-North Korea relations, potentially compounding global sanctions on North Korea.

An image provided by South Korea’s Yonhapnews TV underscored the tension with a depiction of a North Korean missile launch, highlighting the region’s volatile ambiance.

The alliance potentially propels North Korea into a privileged position, with Russia augmenting its military prowess in exchange for munitions, elevating challenges for South Korea and indirectly affecting US strategic interests in the region.

President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping are both contending with the ramifications of this newfound closeness between Moscow and Pyongyang, complicating international relations. While the agreement undermines China’s longstanding influence over North Korea, it leaves Beijing in a delicate position without clear strategies for countering or engaging with the evolving dynamics.

Despite the intricate political maneuverings and strategic partnerships forming, the core concern remains the increased risk of conflict on the Korean Peninsula, a prospect neither the U.S. nor China desires.

With military collaborations further tightening among U.S.-led alliances in response to these developments, the Indo-Pacific region braces for intensified military activities and heightened vigilance against evolving threats, highlighting the intricate balance of power and the critical role of diplomatic engagements in maintaining regional and global stability.

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