American Graduate Debt-Free After Studying in Canada, Won’t Return to US

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Dalia Goldberg attributes her choice to pursue her studies in Montreal as the decision that not only facilitated her foreign language learning but also allowed her to complete her education without incurring any debt.

Goldberg decided in 2010 to relocate from the United States to attend McGill University in Canada for her undergraduate degree. Throughout her college experience, she encountered culture shock and took on the challenge of learning a new language.

After earning her degree, Goldberg chose to remain overseas. She has since made a home for herself in Spain and enjoys a life free from the burden of student loans.

Back in 2009, during her final year of high school, Goldberg was unsure about her future. Although she had been a keen learner in her younger years, she subdued her passion for knowledge to fit in better with her peers.

As her classmates eagerly prepared for college, Goldberg was still hesitant about the whole concept, questioning the value of further education and the appeal of future career prospects. Despite visits to various colleges with her parents, nothing sparked her excitement, not even the prospect of attending the University of Miami with its inviting campus or the allure of NYU’s vibrant city life—both deterred by their high tuition fees.

Filling out applications for state schools seemed like a more practical avenue, yet Goldberg couldn’t shake off her desire for an adventure far from her familiar surroundings. This longing led her to consider educational opportunities beyond the United States.

The affordability of colleges outside the U.S. caught her eye, leading her to suggest studying at Trinity College Dublin. However, her parents were concerned about the practicalities and costs of studying in Europe.

They finally found a compromise with McGill University in Montreal, a recognized institution closer to home with significantly more affordable tuition fees.

Choosing Montreal was not without its challenges. Goldberg was captivated by the city during her first visit and was determined to study there, despite the difficulties of adjusting to a new culture and language.

She worked hard in her French class and met the university’s admission requirements. Yet, doubts crept in about leaving her friends behind and starting anew in a foreign country.

Upon arrival in Montreal, Goldberg initially struggled to find her place at McGill, facing culture shock and language barriers. However, she eventually settled into college life, forming close friendships and integrating into the local community.

After graduation, Goldberg aspired to build her career abroad. She secured a post-graduate work permit in Canada and worked at a French-speaking marketing agency, which, despite the initial language and cultural challenges, eventually felt like home. Her journey led her to Berlin and finally to Spain, where she established herself as a freelance content writer and journalist.

Goldberg’s experience studying abroad emboldened her to forge her own career path, learn to navigate new cultures and languages, and live without the financial strain of student loans.

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