Nebraska Man Shoots, Injures Seven Guatemalan Neighbors

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In Crete, Nebraska, a tragic incident unfolded as a 74-year-old white man, identified as Billy Booth, engaged in gunfire from his residence, injuring seven of his neighbors, all of whom are immigrants from Guatemala. Officials indicated the shooting took place around 4:30 p.m. last Friday while approximately 15 people were gathered at the victims’ home.

Booth, known for his reclusive and contentious behavior, ultimately took his own life following the attack. The victims, including four children ranging from ages 3 to 10, all related, fortunately are expected to recover.

The event has left the town of Crete, a diverse enclave with a significant Hispanic population accounting for half of its 7,000 residents, and nearly a quarter being foreign-born, in shock. Booth’s interactions with his neighbors had previously been marked by disputes, escalating to the point where he had reportedly used offensive gestures and language, suggesting they return to their native country and communicate in English. This interaction was noted by Crete Police Chief Gary Young, highlighting a previously lodged complaint by the family against Booth, which didn’t lead to charges.

Authorities are deep in an investigation to unveil the motive behind Booth’s violence, with a particular focus on whether racial animosity played a role. Chief Young referenced Booth’s derogatory remarks as potentially indicative of a racially motivated attack.

However, it’s clear that Booth’s antagonism wasn’t exclusively aimed at his Hispanic neighbors, with reports from the community suggesting he harbored resentment broadly. Dave Hansen, a neighbor, characterized Booth as someone who “hated everybody,” underscoring the broad scope of his hostility.

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