Sacrifice for Others, Not Bumper Stickers, Defines True Patriotism

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As a military spouse, the concept of a “patriot” deeply resonates with me. Living on a military base, each day begins with reveille and ends with retreat. Our days are filled with matching outfits in red, white, and blue, military drills and ceremonies, deployments abroad, and even desserts adorned with American flags.

To us, patriotism means putting the country’s principles above our personal preferences every day.

Yet, recently, the term “patriot” has seemingly morphed into a label for those who prioritize political loyalty and party lines over the well-being of individuals.

**Patriotism is not bound by party lines**

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a patriot is someone who loves and supports their country. Patriotism extends beyond military personnel, law enforcement, or those sporting “I love America” on their bumpers.

No single political party or ideology holds a monopoly over patriotism. Anyone who loves and supports their nation and its people rightly deserves the label.

Throughout America’s 248-year history, countless individuals have joined the armed services for various reasons, from a deep-seated love for the country to seeking educational and job opportunities, or even as a pathway to societal contribution.

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When I consider who embodies an American patriot, I think of figures like civil rights leader Melanie L. Campbell, Native American influencer Charlie Amaya Scott, retired Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, Barack and Michelle Obama, Admiral Rachel L.

Levine, and comedian Jon Stewart. These patriots are actively preserving life, championing equality, and supporting the less fortunate.

However, their stories and contributions often go unnoticed. Instead, our attention is frequently captured by those who stir controversy and divide, overshadowing those working towards equality and community betterment.

**Patriotism as a commitment to service**

True American patriots are those who sacrifice immensely for the rights and well-being of others.

Patriotism is crucial for a society’s endurance, driven by its community’s strength. Redefining patriotism involves promoting fairness and equality, leveraging resources to uplift the needy, and opposing division. It includes reintegrating reformed felons fully into society, supporting underprivileged children, and revitalizing impoverished areas.

So, let us redefine patriotism. We do this by serving the underprivileged and strengthening our communities.

However, before we can redefine it, we must introspect. We need to assess whether our past actions genuinely reflected a love for all Americans, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds, and whether we truly addressed the needs of the disadvantaged.

By leading with acceptance, kindness, and concern, we can demonstrate true patriotism and work towards a just society for everyone.

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