Danny Trejo Involved in Altercation at 4th of July Parade Near Los Angeles

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During a Fourth of July parade in Sunland-Tujunga, California, actor Danny Trejo became involved in an unpleasant confrontation not related to the day’s festivities. The incident began after someone targeted his vintage car with a water balloon.

According to sources, Trejo and his companions, mistakenly confronting the wrong group of people, exited the vehicle, which led to a scuffle. Although several men restrained Trejo, tensions were high as bystanders reminded everyone that children were present.

A video capturing the incident shows the brief brawl and Trejo loudly expressing his frustration. Law enforcement indicated that they received a report about the fight, but no arrests were made since the crowd had dispersed by the time they arrived.

Trelee told TMZ that he was unsettled by the incident, describing the surprise water balloon attack as unwarranted and labeling it “childish,” criticizing the assailants as “cowards.” Some of the people involved were reportedly in their 30s.

Public reaction to the altercation was mixed. While some sided with Trejo, viewing the water balloon throw as more than harmless fun, others believed it was just a playful act.

The week was already difficult for Trejo, who mourned the loss of his beloved Chihuahua, Dixie, earlier that same week. Trejo shared his grief on social media, posting, “Hold your babies tight for me please.

Today I lost my little Dixie Wixie.” Dixie was 16 years old.

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