Ukraine’s Air Force to Overhaul Tactics for Optimal Use of F-16 Jets

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Ukraine is set to receive F-16 fighter jets later this year and will need to significantly revamp its air strategy to effectively utilize these aircraft in combat against Russia, experts in airpower suggest. The changes required are profound, considering many of Ukraine’s senior military officials began their careers under the Soviet system and are heavily influenced by its doctrines.

Airpower scholars David Deptula and Christopher Bowie, associated with the Mitchell Institute think tank, have emphasized that the Ukrainian Air Force needs a substantial overhaul in tactics and thought. They advocate for the abandonment of outdated Soviet/Russian doctrines, urging Ukrainian forces to adopt Western military techniques and integrated, multi-domain strategies. Deptula, a retired US Air Force lieutenant general, has indicated that this transformation would be challenging and could take years, given the ingrained Soviet military practices that are hard to shed.

The effectiveness of Soviet military tactics has been questioned, as they typically involved rigid, centrally-controlled plans with little room for initiative by commanders on the ground. This was evident when Russian forces provided inadequate air support during their initial incursion into Ukraine in February 2022. Moreover, the current generation of Ukrainian military leaders, trained in these Soviet principles, often finds it challenging to adapt to Western military adviceā€”a difficulty highlighted during the 2023 counter-offensive.

To enhance its combat efficacy, Ukraine must foster a culture of joint military operations. This involves better coordination among various military branches, as demonstrated by the necessary cooperation between ground-based artillery and the air force to maximize battlefield effectiveness. However, this kind of integration is a significant shift from past practices and requires substantial operational and cultural changes within the military hierarchy.

Deptula highlighted that while interservice rivalry still exists in the US military, improvements since the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 have facilitated a more joint operational approach. He noted that adoption of these principles in the Ukrainian context, while difficult, is critical given the sheer scale of Russian forces.

The road ahead for Ukraine involves embracing these new military concepts at all levels but particularly among upper echelons of military leadership, where the push for reform must be strongest. Though junior officers are reportedly keen to adopt these strategies, substantial leadership and cultural shifts remain essential for Ukraine to leverage the capabilities of the F-16s effectively against Russian aggression.

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