Boat Capsized by Whale Breach Off New Hampshire Coast

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Off the coast of New/e Hampshire, a fishing excursion took an unexpected turn when a humpback whale breached and landed on a boat, causing it to capsize. The dramatic scene was captured on video, showing a group of fishing boats floating peacefully until the whale unexpectedly leapt from the water and crashed onto one of the boats.

The boat overturned, throwing two people into the water as the whale dove back under. Thankfully, the U.S.

Coast Guard Station reported that there were no injuries to either the people involved or the whale. The incident occurred on a Tuesday morning.

Following the event, the Coast Guard issued a warning to nearby mariners and a nearby good Samaritan quickly rescued the two individuals from the water. Further efforts were made to prevent the boat from sinking; a video later showed it being righted and towed by another vessel.

It’s believed that the whale was in the midst of feeding, evident from its open mouth during the breach, and the presence of dense bait in the area likely attracted multiple fishing boats to the location. This incident is one of several humpback whale sightings reported off the coasts of New Hampshire and Maine this month, leaving those on the boat with an unforgettable story.

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