Humpback Whale Capsizes Boat While Feeding, Video Shows

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A fishing boat off the coast of New York capsized when a Humpback whale, likely in pursuit of fish, unexpectedly landed on it. According to a video captured by the incident, the whale’s sudden appearance destabilized and eventually overturned the vessel, which was about a mile from the shore.

The two fishermen aboard managed to escape without serious injuries, one of them recounting the survival as miraculous. Initially, some speculated online that the whale’s act was aggressive.

However, marine experts observing the footage clarified that the whale was merely feeding and not attacking. Andrew Trites, from the Marine Mammal Research Unit at the University of British Columbia, explained that the whale was likely going after fish, as evidenced by its open mouth and the fish seen soaring in the air in the video.

Experts including Melanie Smith, a marine biologist studying at the University of New Hampshire, noted that the whale’s behavior of lunging through prey is common and distinct from breaching, where a whale jumps out of the water. She speculated that the whale simply miscalculated the boat’s position in its intent to feed.

The incident raised concerns on the dangers of vessel collisions with whales. Witnesses found pieces of whale skin and blubber on the damaged boat, suggesting the whale might have been hurt, though the extent of its injuries remains uncertain. Trites emphasized that such occurrences highlight the need for boaters to keep a safe distance from whales to avoid harmful interactions.

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