Millennial Job Seeker Struggles for Years, Claims Degrees Provide No Value

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A young Virginia man with two academic degrees has been relentlessly job searching since January 2020, with little success. Despite his education, he finds himself either overqualified for many entry-level positions or unable to secure employment that matches his qualifications.

Roland Hesmondhalgh, who holds degrees in journalism and a master’s from Georgetown, began his job search after being laid off in 2019. At the time, he was working part-time as a photojournalist while finishing his bachelor’s degree in multiplatform journalism at the Florida Institute of Technology. Since then, apart from sporadic freelance work in photography and YouTube scriptwriting, stable employment has eluded him.

Despite his continuous efforts, applying for jobs weekly and expanding his search to include various roles in restaurants and retail, Hesmondhalgh has struggled to secure a second interview for any position. He believes that his educational background, rather than helping, has actually hindered his job prospects, making him appear overqualified.

Living without a steady income, Hesmondhalgh has had to rely on student loans, sales from a young-adult book he authored, insurance money from his father’s passing, and some financial help from his mother. The situation has forced him to move from Washington, DC, to Arlington, Virginia, to save on living expenses, and he may soon move in with his mother.

Hesmondhalgh’s job search strategy includes subscribing to several online job boards, applying in person when possible, and casting a wide net across various industries. Although he prefers a position in journalism, his lack of formal newsroom experience, coupled with a general hiring slowdown in the industry, has made this challenging. He has experienced similar roadblocks in other fields, where his education seems to deter potential employers rather than attract them.

His experience working in pizza places, dog kennels, and supermarkets has seemingly not been valued, and even tentative job offers from organizations like the Supreme Court and US Capitol police have fallen through. Desperate to remain productive, he is currently enhancing his skills through an online creative-writing program at Harvard.

Reflecting on his experience, Hesmondhalgh shared that he deeply misseshaving a job and the sense of purpose it brings. The disconnect between widespread reports of hiring and his personal experience has been disheartening, especially considering the investment he has made in his education.

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