Senator Mark Kelly Slams JD Vance for ‘Cat Ladies’ Comment

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On Thursday, U.S. Senator Mark Kelly expressed concerns regarding the suitability of Republican vice-presidential candidate, Senator JD Vance, for office following Vance’s previous description of Democrats as “childless cat ladies.” Kelly, a Democrat from Arizona and a potential vice-presidential pick for his party, criticized Vance, a Republican from Ohio, for his 2021 remarks and also for other statements Vance has made concerning abortion rights.

Using this moment to demonstrate the aggressive stance often associated with vice-presidential contenders, Kelly attacked Vance’s viewpoint outside the U.S. Capitol.

He deemed it absurd and harmful, especially highlighting his concerns about the implications for women’s rights under a potential future administration involving Donald Trump and JD Vance. Kelly, concerned about his own daughters and granddaughter, questioned the righteousness of denying abortion to women who are victims of rape or incest.

Vance’s demeaning comments made during a Fox News interview in 2021, wherein he lamented the influence of what he called “childless cat ladies” within the Democratic party, have resurfaced and drawn rebuke. Vance named prominent Democrats, questioning their leadership on the basis of not having children.

Later, Kelly defended his wife, former Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who had been an assassination attempt survivor and had also served as a stepmother, countering Vance’s rhetoric via social media.

The comments by Vance spurred additional reactions from various quarters. Actor Jennifer Aniston and Meghan McCain voiced their objections, highlighting the personal and broad political impact of such statements. The controversy has revived discussions on the roles of personal family choices in political leadership, underscored by comments from Blake Masters, another political figure, who echoed the sentiment on the necessity of familial experiences for political leaders.

Overall, Vance’s contentious remarks continue to catalyze debate and opposition, indicating potential challenges for his and his party’s political futures.

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