Media Accused of Rewriting Kamala Harris’s Past to Show Support

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I had expected the liberal media to reconsider its handling of President Joe Biden’s obvious declines in mental and physical health and maybe even offer an apology after their extensive protective coverage was brought to light. No such luck.

Instead, once it became evident that Biden was struggling, his left-leaning supporters redirected their enthusiastic endorsements from him to Vice President Kamala Harris, anticipating her to possibly lead the Democratic ticket.

Significant media players are now shifting narratives around Harris, tweaking her history – and adjusting their own previous reports.

It’s reminiscent of Orwellian and Soviet-style tactics, where distasteful elements are simply airbrushed out of pictures or deleted from history.

Let’s examine a few recent adjustments:

Was Harris the leader of border issues, or wasn’t she?

When Biden took office in 2021, he designated Harris to spearhead the administration’s response to the migration issues at the U.S. southern border and to collaborate with Central American nations. At least, that’s how it was initially reported by The Associated Press.

In this assignment, Biden mentioned, “When she speaks, she speaks for me,” emphasizing the significance of her role.

Hence, many journalists started describing Harris’s assignment as that of a “border czar,” a term indicative of significant authority in Washington, though that wasn’t her exact title.

Nowadays, associating Harris with her initial critical role has become taboo.

After her apparent lack of progress in addressing immigration issues — as the continued rise in illegal border crossings shows — Harris was quietly shifted away from this focus. She scarcely visited the border, going just once after extensive criticism during an interview.

Yet, the media now tries to recast this narrative. For instance, an Axios piece from 2021 declared, “Biden puts Harris in charge of border crisis.” Fast forward to now, and Axios is backpedaling, surprised that she was ever referred to that way and even updating past articles to reflect a lesser role.

Other news outlets are employing similar revisionist tactics.

It’s frankly insulting.

Another striking example involves Harris’s track record in Congress. In 2019, the service GovTrack listed her as the most liberal senator of that year, even outpacing Bernie Sanders. Now, references to that descriptor have vanished from their website, coinciding suspiciously with the buildup to her potential nomination for president.

GovTrack has also removed their single-year lawmaker ratings recently, including Harris’s, citing a policy change to cease such one-off evaluations. Yet, the timing is conspicuously aligned with her heightened political visibility.

Expect more such media manipulations as we move closer to the election. It’s crucial to stay vigilant and question these narratives.

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