Jana Duggar Violates Courtship Rules With Stephen Wissman in Early Romance Video

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Jana Duggar is sharing insights into the initial stages of her relationship with Stephen Wissman, which diverged from conventional courtship norms. Duggar, 34, posted a YouTube video titled “Surprising My Boyfriend at Work” on August 24. In it, she, along with two of her younger sisters, traveled to Nebraska to surprise Wissman, 31, at his workplace where he was setting up an irrigation system.

In the video, Duggar used FaceTime to locate Wissman on the job site. Upon discovering Duggar was nearby, he quickly drove to meet her. Duggar described the reunion in the video caption as the highlight of both their days.

The couple’s first interaction was notably affectionate with a front-facing hug, and they held hands throughout the car ride that followed—both actions deviating from Duggar’s family’s traditional courtship rules.

Jana Duggar, the oldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar who have 19 children, grew up in a family where courtships typically involve chaperoned dates and minimal physical contact. However, Duggar calling Wissman her “boyfriend,” engaging in front hugs, holding hands, and wearing jeans in public indicated a clear departure from these customs.

Earlier this month, Jana and Wissman got married in Arkansas, making Jana the 12th Duggar sibling to get married. Reflecting on her marriage, Jana shared with People magazine that it felt surreal after imagining such a milestone for so long.

Recently, Jana moved to Nebraska, Wissman’s home state. In the same YouTube video, she mentioned her trip was for managing some household projects, teasing a house tour in upcoming content.

Jana and Wissman have known each other for years through their families’ friendship—Jana’s brother, Jeremiah Duggar, is married to Wissman’s sister, Hannah. Their friendship blossomed into romance, culminating in their engagement earlier this summer.

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