Family Finds Happiness in Bay Area Despite Higher Living Costs

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Xyndi Lomboy and her family have relocated from Roswell, Georgia, to Millbrae, California, in pursuit of a more fulfilling lifestyle. Despite higher living expenses in California, Lomboy believes the benefits significantly outweigh the costs.

The family formerly resided in the Bay Area between 2014 and 2017 before moving to Roswell, where they felt dissatisfied and constrained despite owning a spacious home. Ultimately, they decided to return to California to enjoy its milder climate, diverse cultural offerings, and more progressive social policies.

In Roswell, the Lomboys owned a large, modern home they purchased in 2018 for $455,000, featuring five bedrooms and considerable amenities. However, feeling a disconnect and longing for California’s lifestyle, they sold their Georgia home in 2023 for $655,000 and relocated back to the West Coast.

Currently, the Lomboys are renting a smaller, yet considerably more expensive, townhouse in Millbrae for $4,700 a month—more than double what they paid for their mortgage in Georgia. The cost of living in California is high, with daily expenses like groceries and gas significantly surpassing what they previously paid. Additionally, California has a notably higher state sales tax compared to Georgia.

Both employed at Sutter Health, Xyndi works as an occupational therapist and Eric as a gastrointestinal nurse, drawing salaries that somewhat mitigate the higher expenses. They’ve had to economically adapt to their new environment, especially cutting back on dining out, which was more frequent in Georgia.

Despite the financial adjustments, the Lomboys are content with their decision to move. They appreciate the benefits of renting, such as not having to deal with home repairs and maintenance. They enjoy California’s outdoor lifestyle and are satisfied with the state’s policies on paid maternity leave and health insurance, which align more closely with their family needs.

This move embodies their preference for a higher quality of life in California, making the financial sacrifices worthwhile. The Lomboys are not planning on purchasing a home soon, finding peace in their current circumstances as renters, and enjoying what California has to offer. The political environment and state policies have also played a significant role in their satisfaction and lifestyle in California.

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