Kamala Harris Shares Four Tips on Handling Interruptions

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Selena Rezvani highlights Vice President Kamala Harris as a prime example of effectively managing interruptions and maintaining control through four key strategies. These tactics include deliberate eye contact, assertive body language, clear verbal cues, and the repetitive use of the “broken record technique.”

Rezvani, a Philadelphia-based confidence coach and speaker, has found Harris’s approach exemplary for anyone looking to assert themselves in challenging situations. She first noticed Harris’s capability during the 2020 Vice Presidential debate when Harris demonstrated poise and authority in handling frequent interruptions by Mike Pence. This experience showcased Harris’s adeptness at using her presence and communications skills to keep command.

The strategies shared include using strong eye contact to command attention and acknowledge disruptors, which at the same time could unsettle the interrupter. Harris often employs firm body language such as a stop sign hand gesture to signify that she is not finished speaking, which visibly marks her speaking space. Verbally, Harris effectively uses the simple yet powerful phrase, “I’m speaking,” to indicate that she will complete her thought without yielding to interruptions.

Rezvani advocates for the “broken record technique” where a phrase is repeated to emphasize the speaker’s right to finish and to maintain focus despite resistance or disrespect shown by pushy individuals.

These methods, according to Rezvani, are applicable in various settings beyond high-stakes environments, encouraging individuals to practice these techniques in everyday situations to boost their confidence and ensure their voices are heard.

For more insights into workplace communication techniques, Rezvani invites professionals to share their advice via email with Tess Martinelli at [email protected]. The original article can be viewed on Business Insider.

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