U.S. Forces Capture ISIS Leader in Syria

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U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) has announced the capture of an ISIS leader, Khaled Ahmed al-Dandal, who allegedly assisted escaped members of the terrorist organization. The operation, executed in collaboration with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), occurred shortly after five ISIS detainees broke out of the Raqqah Detention Facility.

CENTCOM reported that while SDF has managed to recapture two of the escapees, three remain at large. Over 9,000 ISIS detainees are currently housed across more than 20 SDF-operated facilities in Syria, with ongoing concerns that their liberation could reignite ISIS activities in the region.

General Michael Erik Kurilla, commander of CENTCOM, emphasized the severe threat posed by the potential mass escape of these detainees, referring to them as both a literal and metaphorical ‘ISIS Army’. He stressed the importance of international cooperation to repatriate these fighters to their home countries.

This incident coincides with heightened global vigilance towards ISIS, coming three years after the U.S.’s military withdrawal from Afghanistan. Recent activities linked to the group include a stabbing in Germany and threats to a public event in Austria, underscoring the persistent global threat posed by ISIS. Additionally, a recent U.S.-Iraqi operation in western Iraq resulted in the deaths of at least 15 ISIS militants.

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