Ex-Aide to New York Governors Charged as Chinese Government Agent

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A former aide to two past governors of New York was indicted for allegedly promoting China’s interests covertly while supposedly serving the state, according to federal prosecutors. Linda Sun, previously a high-ranking staffer in the New York state government, was apprehended at her residence in Long Island, which she shares with her spouse, Chris Hu.

The charges stem from accusations that Sun manipulated her influential roles—including her positions as Deputy Chief of Staff for Governor Kathy Hochul and Deputy Diversity Officer for ex-Governor Andrew Cuomo—to limit Taiwanese government interactions with New York officials, and to tune state messaging to Beijing’s benefit. In response, it’s alleged that China bolstered Hu’s business ventures significantly, thereby financing the couple’s lavish lifestyle, which includes a $4 million home, a Hawaiian condo worth $1.9 million, and an upscale 2024 Ferrari.

Other allegations include Sun receiving personal benefits such as event tickets and gourmet food items gifted by a Chinese official. The prolonged influence, as noted in the indictment, suggests a nearly decade-long infiltration at high levels of the New York state government.

Both Sun and Hu, denying the allegations, made their initial court appearance where they pled not guilty, with the subsequent release on bond included a stipulation barring Sun from contact with Chinese diplomatic missions.

This case comes as part of a larger Justice Department initiative targeting undisclosed foreign interventions within the U.S., which in recent times has led to other significant charges related to Chinese governmental operations in America.

Sun’s tenure in state government spanned approximately 15 years, ending with her role at the New York Department of Labor, which she exited following the surfacing of misconduct evidence triggering her termination by Hochul’s office, which then aided law enforcement throughout the investigation process.

Beyond the financial support allegations, the indictment attributes Sun with preventing Taiwanese representatives from meeting top New York officials, complying with China’s stance on Taiwan. Additionally, she is accused of intervening to prevent sensitive topics like the Uyghur crisis from being mentioned in official speeches, further aligning state output with Chinese preferences.

Meanwhile, Sun faces charges encompassing acting as an unregistered foreign agent, money laundering, and facilitating visa fraud, while Hu is charged with related financial and fraud offenses.

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