Mother and Baby Turned Away from Women Founders Event

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During a presentation at a Y Combinator event, Elena Brandt, co-founder of Besample, was asked to leave because her baby was making cooing noises. The conversation occurred while nursing and pregnancy in relation to business growth were being discussed, highlighting her belief that her family and work life should be integrated.

Elena, who has four children with possibly a fifth on the way, has not allowed motherhood to stall her career. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in psychology at the University of Florida and actively involved with Besample, a startup focusing on diversifying behavioral research data beyond the typical U.S. student demographic.

Initially accepted into the Techstars accelerator program while pregnant, Elena brought her newborn son to the program, where his presence was supported and celebrated. However, at the Y Combinator’s Female Founders Conference, despite expecting a family-friendly environment, she encountered a different scenario.

While trying to soothe her baby during a session about the challenges of motherhood and entrepreneurship, an organizer suggested she leave to prevent disruption. This incident underscored the persistent divide in the business world regarding the place of families in professional settings.

Following the incident, Elena received a private apology from the individual who approached her but heard nothing from Y Combinator itself, reflecting a lack of substantial support for entrepreneurial mothers. She advocates for changes such as on-site childcare and a shift in perception towards viewing children as integral rather than disruptive within professional contexts.

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