Jeff Bezos Hopes College Students Will Create the Next Big Space Company

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In a recent interview, Jeff Bezos discussed his ambitious plans for Blue Origin to drastically reduce the cost of space travel, thereby lowering entry barriers for innovation. He envisions making space travel so affordable that “two kids in a dorm” could create the next big space company, much like how internet innovations led to Amazon’s success.

During a tour of Blue Origin’s production facility and Glenn launch pad in Cape Canaveral, Florida, captured on YouTube by Tim Dodd (known as “Everyday Astronaut”), Bezos elaborated on his vision. He noted that Blue Origin aims to make lunar travel “100 times cheaper,” highlighting the solved aspects of space travel but emphasizing the unresolved issue: high costs.

Bezos likened the potential revolution in space travel to the internet boom, which enabled entrepreneurial breakthroughs by making it accessible to many. “If the minimum size to do any useful experiment is many millions of dollars, you can’t have two kids in a dorm room making the next amazing invention,” he explained.

After stepping down as CEO of Amazon over three years ago—an empire he started in his garage back in 1994—Bezos revealed that his primary focus has shifted to Blue Origin. Despite still being involved in Amazon, particularly in AI, Bezos indicated that most of his effort is now dedicated to Blue Origin. “I’m working harder than I ever have,” he mentioned.

The interview also included a moment where Bezos pointed out SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy launch area, further showcasing the competitive landscape of space travel advancements.

For the original article, visit Business Insider.

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