Elon Musk Now Travels with 20 Bodyguards and Goes by ‘Voyager’

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Tesla CEO Elon Musk has significantly bolstered his security measures, enlisting a team that includes up to 20 bodyguards and a medical professional, as reported by The New York Times. Internally, Musk’s security team has dubbed him “Voyager.”

This heightened security comes as no surprise given Musk’s net worth of over $250 billion, making him the wealthiest person in the world according to Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index. The risk associated with his immense wealth necessitates this level of protection.

Contrary to his current status, Musk didn’t always move with such a heavy security detail. The New York Times notes that until 2014, he often traveled without constant protection.

However, he gradually began assembling a rotating team of security staff to handle errands, evaluate threats, and monitor individuals considered potential dangers.

These extensive security measures come at a steep cost, sometimes reaching six figures monthly. In January 2016, his security expenses reportedly amounted to over $163,000. Musk has admitted to facing serious threats, stating that two individuals had recently threatened his life, which underscores the need for robust security.

In a strategic move to enhance his safety, Musk discreetly purchased a new home in 2022 after his previous address became public. His new residence now features around-the-clock security. Additionally, Musk has taken steps to take down social media accounts that track his private jet.

Musk revealed during Tesla’s annual shareholder meeting that security measures have tightened in response to growing threats. A Tesla SEC filing showed that the company’s security expenses for Musk totaled $2.4 million in 2023, with an additional $500,000 estimated through February 2024.

These costs cover only a fraction of Musk’s overall security expenditures. The security detail remains with him at all times—even during bathroom breaks.

His father, Errol Musk, expressed concerns about his son’s safety despite the extensive security. Measures have also been implemented at Errol’s home in South Africa, including electrified fencing, a camera system, and constant surveillance.

Musk is not alone in ramping up security. Mark Zuckerberg’s 2023 compensation from Meta, which totaled $24 million, primarily covered personal security costs.

In comparison, Apple spent over $820,000 on CEO Tim Cook’s security last year and more than $1.6 million on private travel costs. Tesla’s security has also tightened following a death threat received by former CFO Zachary Kirkhorn, demanding $300,000 in bitcoin.

Reports indicate that Tesla’s headquarters has had at least five emergency calls classified as “terroristic threats” between 2022 and 2023. Employees at Tesla’s factories in Nevada and Texas undergo numerous security checks, underscoring the company’s focus on safety.

For the full story, visit Business Insider.

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