US Ally Expects Intervention if China Seizes Warship

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US Intervention Expected if China Seizes Philippine Outpost

Tensions are escalating in the South China Sea, and the Philippines is drawing a line. If China seizes the BRP Sierra Madre, a grounded warship marking Philippine territory, the Philippines would expect US intervention.

The Sierra Madre is a remnant of World War II, now serving as a symbol of Philippine sovereignty. China has repeatedly targeted resupply missions to the outpost, raising concerns.

The US and the Philippines have a mutual defense pact, obliging them to assist each other in case of an attack. While incidents so far have not triggered this clause, the US has hinted at possible involvement.

China’s claims over the South China Sea are disputed by international law. Beijing has been assertive in asserting its authority in the region, leading to conflicts with the Philippines and other countries.

The situation is part of broader tensions in the Indo-Pacific, where China has been accused of violating airspace and waters and harassing aircraft.

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