Germany Imposes Border Controls, Sparking Outrage

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Germany has resumed border checks at all land crossings, a move that has sparked mixed reactions.

The government cites concerns about terrorism and serious crime as reasons for the checks, which extend to borders with neighboring countries such as France, Belgium, and Denmark.

The move is a departure from the Schengen zone, which allows for passport-free travel within much of Europe. It comes amidst a rise in support for the far-right Alternative fur Deutschland party and a series of knife attacks allegedly involving asylum seekers.

Poland’s Prime Minister has condemned the checks as "unacceptable," while Germany’s Council for Migration has raised concerns about their legality. The council argues that the checks are politically motivated and violate EU law.

Germany was a major destination for asylum seekers during the migrant crisis from 2015 to 2016, accepting over a million people. However, this influx also sparked a backlash against immigration.

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