DEA: Fentanyl Source Clear

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Fentanyl Fueling Devastating Drug Crisis in the US

Two Mexican cartels are flooding the US with fentanyl, causing the worst drug crisis in American history. In 2022, over 70,000 people died from fentanyl overdoses.

Origins of the Crisis

The crisis began when the cartels gained control of the supply chain from China, producing fentanyl in their own labs. In 2019, China blocked fentanyl exports, consolidating the cartels’ dominance.

How Fentanyl Enters the US

Approximately 90% of fentanyl enters the US through passenger vehicles at legal ports of entry, primarily San Ysidro. Despite efforts by Customs and Border Protection, only 8% of cars are searched.

The Cartels’ Tactics

Cartels adapt to interdiction efforts, hiding fentanyl in cars’ gas tanks to avoid detection by drug-sniffing dogs. American citizens are often paid to smuggle fentanyl.

Law Enforcement Response

The DEA has targeted every part of the fentanyl supply chain. The agency has also placed pictures of overdose victims in its headquarters as a reminder of the crisis.

Need for More Resources

Customs and Border Protection and the DEA need more funding and resources to combat the fentanyl epidemic. A bipartisan bill providing additional border enforcement funding failed to pass in the Senate.

Progress and Future Challenges

The DEA is making progress in disrupting the fentanyl supply chain, but acknowledges that much more needs to be done to address this devastating crisis.

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