Flake Backs Harris

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Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona has endorsed Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris for President. Flake praised Harris’s understanding of foreign policy and her plan to strengthen border security.

Flake made the endorsement with 37 days remaining before the election, citing his belief in the rule of law and Harris’s respect for the will of voters. He expressed a similar sentiment among conservative Republicans.

Flake, who was an outspoken critic of former President Donald Trump, has endorsed Harris alongside other prominent Republicans, including former Vice President Dick Cheney and former Representative Liz Cheney.

Flake emphasized the importance of Harris appealing to moderate and conservative Republicans. He also highlighted her readiness to lead as commander-in-chief, citing her understanding of international alliances and her approach to foreign policy.

Flake praised Harris’s recent visit to the U.S.-Mexico border and her proposal for stricter asylum restrictions, pointing to her experience as a prosecutor and attorney general. He also commended her willingness to work on a bipartisan basis to address immigration reform.

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