Law Professor Suspended Over Race Remarks

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The University of Pennsylvania has suspended tenured law professor Amy Wax for a year with half pay for making controversial comments about race.

Wax has questioned the academic abilities of Black students, invited a white nationalist to speak to her class, and suggested that the country would benefit from reduced Asian immigration.

The university found her conduct to be "flagrant unprofessional conduct" and has stripped her of her endowed chair and summer pay. Wax will also be required to clarify that she does not represent the university or law school when making public appearances.

Despite the suspension, Wax intends to remain at the school and has called allegations of mistreatment of students "totally bogus." She believes her punishment is a sign that the administration does not want conservative viewpoints on campus.

Provost John L. Jackson Jr. emphasized the importance of academic freedom but also stated that professors must treat students fairly and avoid creating an unequal learning environment.

Wax’s lawyer claims that officials targeted her due to her conservative opinions and that the allegations of mistreatment are fabricated. Wax believes she is exposing students to diverse perspectives and is concerned that students are being raised to be intolerant of differing viewpoints.

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