Family Seeks Answers After Fatal Police Shooting in Home

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Former Dallas Officer Amber Guyger Eligible for Parole

Five years after the fatal shooting of Botham Jean, his family is opposing early parole for Amber Guyger, the former police officer convicted of his murder.

Guyger fatally shot Jean in his own apartment in 2018, claiming self-defense. However, a jury unanimously rejected her claims and sentenced her to 10 years in prison.

Jean’s sister, Allisa Charles-Findley, believes that Guyger should serve her full sentence. She argues that her family has suffered a life sentence of grief and that Guyger deserves to be held accountable.

Family Forgiveness and Justice

While Jean’s brother, Brandt, publicly forgave Guyger, Charles-Findley emphasizes that forgiveness does not negate punishment. She believes that Guyger should still serve her sentence for her crime.

Ongoing Appeals and Release Date

Guyger’s attorney has filed numerous appeals, but they have been rejected. Unless paroled, Guyger is expected to be released in 2029.

Justice Department Investigation

Charles-Findley has petitioned the Justice Department to investigate the case, seeking full accountability for Jean’s death. The department has not yet responded to her request.

Victim’s Family Remains Devastated

Charles-Findley describes Jean’s birthday as a difficult day for her family. She says the tragedy continues to haunt them and that the prospect of Guyger’s early release reopens old wounds.

Guyger’s Remorse and Mother’s Plea

Guyger’s mother claims that her daughter has been devastated by the shooting and wishes she could have taken Jean’s place. Guyger herself reportedly told her mother that she wished she could have traded places with her victim.

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