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- ‘Christmas Star’ to grace the night sky this weekend (
Upcoming Sky Events
Get ready for a celestial spectacle in the coming days! A crescent moon, potential Northern lights displays, and two dazzling planets will grace the night sky.
Venus, the “Christmas Star”
Starting Wednesday, Venus, the brightest celestial object after the moon and sun, will shine brightly. This weekend, it will be the most prominent object in the sky, earning it the nickname “Christmas Star.”
Jupiter in Opposition
On Saturday, Jupiter will reach opposition, meaning it will be closest to both the sun and Earth. This makes it appear larger and brighter in the sky.
Stargazing Tips
To witness these events, simply look up at the sky around sunset. Jupiter will be near the overhead, while Venus will be slightly lower. No special equipment is needed for most of these observations.
The Historical “Christmas Star”
Historically, the “Christmas Star” may have been a conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn or Jupiter and Venus. This year, Venus is being called the Christmas Star due to its high visibility.
Religious texts mention a “Star of Bethlehem” guiding prophets. Astronomers believe this could have been Jupiter or Venus, based on ancient descriptions and computer models that show the planets’ positions at the time.
Read More About This Story:
- ‘Christmas Star’ to grace the night sky this weekend (