Toddler Runs Toward Hawaii Volcano Cliff

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Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Warns of Hazards After Toddler’s Cliffside Near-Miss

A toddler’s near-fall from a cliff at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park has prompted park officials to issue a warning to visitors. The incident occurred as crowds gathered to witness the ongoing eruption of Kilauea.

The park emphasizes the dangers associated with volcanic eruptions, including unstable cliffs and toxic gas emissions. Visitors are urged to obey closure signs, remain behind barriers, and keep track of their loved ones.

Superintendent Rhonda Loh stated that the park’s safety measures are in place for a reason and that visitors must take responsibility for their actions. She reminded the public that national parks are not playgrounds.

As Kilauea’s eruption continues to draw visitors, park officials advise nighttime guests to drive cautiously and be aware of potential hazards. Those with health conditions should monitor air quality before visiting.

The eruption has temporarily paused but could resume at any time. Visitors are encouraged to check with the park for updates on the situation.

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