Twins’ Identical Resumes, Different Scholarship Awards

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Identical twins with similar academic and extracurricular achievements applied to the same colleges.

However, they received different merit scholarships at every institution, sometimes with a significant difference of $13,000.

The mystery behind these disparate awards lies in the secrecy surrounding their criteria. Merit scholarships are granted based on a college’s desire for a student’s presence.

Despite their high achievements, including AP classes, honors classes, and club leadership positions, the twins’ merit scholarship amounts varied.

One school awarded one twin $13,000 more per year than the other, a $52,000 disparity over four years.

The mother remains perplexed by the reasons for this discrepancy, despite searching the college’s website for answers.

She suspects that unstated factors, such as gender, major, or club affiliation, may have influenced the decision-making process.

The mother remains hopeful that colleges will provide more transparency regarding merit scholarship criteria to ease the confusion faced by students and parents.

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