See South Carolina’s Unique Lighthouses

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South Carolina boasts a collection of unique and historic lighthouses, perfect for a memorable road trip. This tour highlights eight fascinating beacons, from traditional towers to more unusual designs, showcasing the beauty of the Palmetto State’s coastline.

The journey begins with three lighthouses accessible only by boat. Georgetown Lighthouse, the state’s oldest, requires a short ferry trip.

Similarly, Cape Romain Lighthouse, nestled within a wildlife refuge, can be viewed via boat tours. Finally, Sullivan’s Island Lighthouse, known for its triangular shape, awaits those who venture across the water.

The route then shifts to land-based viewing. The iconic Morris Island Lighthouse, though now isolated at sea, can be admired from Folly Beach.

Hunting Island State Park is home to a climbable lighthouse, offering stunning views for those willing to ascend its steps. The park itself has rebounded from past hurricane damage and offers a variety of activities.

Hilton Head Island features the Harbour Town Lighthouse, a functional beacon that also serves as a local landmark. Visitors can climb to the top for panoramic vistas.

Lastly, the Leamington Lighthouse, tucked away in a private community, offers a glimpse into history. While access is restricted, photo opportunities may be available upon request.

This road trip promises a unique blend of history, scenic drives, and coastal beauty. It’s a perfect way to experience South Carolina’s charming Lowcountry and its fascinating maritime heritage.

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