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- I’m a millionaire and my partner makes $60K. I don’t ask him to split bills 50-50 because it’s not fair. (
Local finance educator and multi-millionaire Tori Dunlap opened up about how she and her partner navigate their significantly different incomes. Dunlap, known for her company “Her First 100K,” emphasizes open communication, especially when it comes to finances.
The couple, who have been together for two and a half years, discussed money on their first date. Dunlap’s partner, who works in athletics and education, earned around $60,000 in 2024, supplementing his income with side hustles. He admitted feeling some internal conflict about paying for their first date, a gesture Dunlap appreciated.
Transparency is key for the couple. They are aware of each other’s salaries and investments, allowing them to avoid uncomfortable spending situations.
Dunlap’s success doesn’t intimidate her partner, who views it as a testament to her hard work. Early in their relationship, he expressed concerns about not feeling like an equal provider, a conversation Dunlap found both brave and insightful regarding traditional gender roles.
They split expenses equitably, not equally, typically around a 30/70 split. Dunlap often covers more expensive outings, recognizing her higher income. They also discuss expenses beforehand, like their European trips, deciding who covers what.
Dunlap values her partner’s responsible financial habits, like maximizing his Roth IRA contributions, more than his income level. She appreciates his efforts to move past a scarcity mindset and be comfortable spending on himself and enjoying his hobbies.
The couple has also discussed prenups, a topic Dunlap brought up early in their relationship. She views it as a way to ensure transparency and protect her assets. They both believe in maintaining individual finances alongside a joint account.
Dunlap stresses that choosing a partner is a significant financial decision. Just as she wouldn’t enter a business partnership without understanding someone’s financial habits, she believes the same applies to romantic relationships.