Car Birth Delivers Surprise Lesson

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Baby Arrives Express Delivery: Local Mom Gives Birth En Route to Birth Center

It’s a moment every parent cherishes: the first glimpse of their newborn’s face, a surge of love, and words of profound joy. For one local mom, those first words were a little different: “I can’t believe I just gave birth in the car!”

This wasn’t exactly how she’d envisioned welcoming her son into the world. She hadn’t planned on catching him herself while her husband frantically searched for a place to pull over.

She certainly hadn’t pictured wrapping her newborn in her husband’s leather jacket for the remainder of the trip to the birth center. And “en route” wasn’t the birthplace she had in mind for his birth certificate.

But motherhood, as many moms will tell you, is full of surprises. It’s a journey of unexpected challenges and unforeseen joys that shape us into the strong, capable women we become. This mom’s story is a testament to that very truth.

This wasn’t her first delivery, so when her water broke at 5 a.m., she knew baby was on the way. But this time, there was a complication: her husband was quarantined with COVID-19.

Panic set in. She had envisioned a peaceful water birth, her husband by her side, not a solo trip to the birth center.

The contractions were intense, stronger than she remembered. She called her midwife, who initially seemed unconcerned.

But the mom knew better. As her husband gathered their things, she found herself in the bathroom, leaning on the toilet – the “dilation station,” as she calls it.

Her goal was to avoid tearing, a complication she experienced with her first child. But as the urge to push intensified, she realized this labor was progressing rapidly.

The midwife’s tone changed when she called back. “Can you see the head?”

she asked urgently. “Get in the car.


Despite the pain, the mom somehow made it to the car. The birth center was only 10 minutes away, but it felt like an eternity.

Her husband pulled into a parking lot just as their son decided to make his grand entrance. He was born right there in the front seat, caught by his surprised but overjoyed mom.

Amid the chaos, the mom’s pain transformed into relief and joy. Her husband, a picture of calm amidst the whirlwind, called the midwife, who could hear the baby’s healthy cries in the background. With their newborn safely bundled in the leather jacket, they continued on to the birth center.

While this wasn’t the birth story she’d imagined, this unexpected challenge turned into a blessing. Despite the initial fear of delivering alone, her husband was present for his son’s birth.

It was a powerful reminder that even in the face of uncertainty, things often work out in the end. And for this local mom, that’s a lesson worth cherishing.

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