WWII Veteran Gets Huge Welcome on ‘Price is Right’

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A WWII veteran’s appearance on “The Price is Right” recently brought the studio audience to its feet. The crowd erupted in cheers and chants of “USA” as Arthur Waddell, crutch in hand, made his way to Contestants’ Row. Waddell, a former Marine, clearly enjoyed the moment, waving to the cheering crowd.

The heartwarming scene resonated with viewers online, with many expressing their admiration for the veteran. Some comments even criticized other contestants for daring to compete against him.

“The Price is Right” has a special connection to WWII. Longtime host Bob Barker, who passed away in 2023, was a Navy fighter pilot during the war.

Barker once recounted how a magazine photo of a dashing naval aviator inspired him to enlist. He applied that very day and went on to serve his country.

This connection to a pivotal moment in American history adds another layer of meaning to Waddell’s appearance on the show Barker hosted for so many years.

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