Steve Harvey’s Heart Stops on Family Feud After Shocking Answer

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Steve Harvey Nearly Has On-Air Heart Attack After “Pot-ato” Answer on Family Feud

Longtime “Family Feud” host Steve Harvey is no stranger to unusual answers, often using them as comedic fodder. However, a recent episode left the comedian speechless and clutching his chest after a particularly unexpected response.

During a fast-paced round, the Piergrassi and Scott families battled for a spot in the Bonus Round. The prompt was simple: “Name a word or phrase that starts with ‘pot’.”

Laura, from the Piergrassi family, buzzed in first with the top answer, “potluck.” Subsequent answers from her family included “pot roast” and “pot belly,” neither of which appeared on the board.

Then came Scott, whose enthusiastic delivery of “pothead” earned a playful reprimand from Harvey. Luckily for Scott, his answer was on the board.

The game continued with “pot pie” also making the cut. Then it was Laura’s turn again.

With her family and the audience cheering her on, she confidently offered “pot-ato,” emphasizing the “pot” syllable. Harvey, visibly stunned, questioned the audience’s enthusiastic response.

Laura, unfazed, simply asked, “Does it start with ‘pot’?”

As Harvey checked the board, he expressed his certainty that the answer wouldn’t be there, even starting to walk towards the opposing family. Much to his surprise, and the audience’s delight, “pot-ato” appeared as the second most popular answer.

The shock sent Harvey reeling, clutching his chest as if experiencing a heart attack. He then profusely apologized to Laura, clearly shaken by the unexpected turn of events.

The clip of the incident quickly went viral, with viewers sharing their amusement and concern. While some worried that Harvey was having a genuine medical emergency, most found the moment hilarious, praising Laura’s unexpected win and Harvey’s dramatic reaction.

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